Group Therapy Offerings & Descriptions

Groups offer a structured and safe experience where you learn from others, receive real-time feedback, and gain support and community. It is not uncommon for group members to be surprised and comforted as others speak out loud the same thoughts and feelings they have been having themselves. Members are never forced to share, but most find it very relieving and reassuring to hear how many others can relate to the things they say to the group.

Group therapy sessions are held in the evenings to easily fit your schedule and led by licensed professional therapist. Our mental health group sessions are detailed below with descriptions:

  • Grief & Trauma

  • Work Life Balance

  • Stress & Anxiety

  • Support Group

Grief and Trauma

Everyone experiences and expresses grief and trauma in their own way.  Grief is a reaction to the loss of something or someone special.  Grief and trauma therapy can help you learn how to cope with your emotions, work through your struggles, and start to find yourself again.  Grief and trauma therapy can help you understand the different stages of grief and learn to identify your triggers and emotions.  Counseling can also assist you in recognizing that your emotions are natural and acceptable reactions to what you have gone through.  It can also help guide why you are feeling certain emotions and behaviors and help you work through them in a safe and healthy way.  If you are considering help with grief and trauma there are a few things you should keep in mind.  Its okay not to be okay, you don’t have to hide your emotions or pretend that they do not exist.  Its okay to ask for help.  Its normal to feel overwhelmed, hopeless, scared, numb after experiencing loss or trauma.  Asking for help is a sign of strength and not weakness.  It takes strength and courage to face your pain and struggles head one.  You deserve to be able to release what you are holding on to.  You don’t have to suffer in silence.  You are not your trauma.  You are human and you matter.  In this group community you will have the opportunity to be surrounded by individuals experiencing similar experiences. You will be able to vent and express yourself in a safe environment without judgement. If you are ready to take the first step, we are here to help.

If you are someone who struggles with the following below this group is for you:

  • Passing of a loved one

  • Accidents

  • Homicide

  • Traumatic childhood experiences

  • PTSD

  • Going through a divorce

  • Losing a job

  • Medical crises

  • Overdoses

  • Suicide

  • Violent Act (robbery, rape, physical attack)

  • Domestic Violence

  • Sexual Assault

  • Feeling sadness, anxiety, anger, fear, loneliness, guilt, isolation, confusion, or numbness

Work Life Balance

Sometimes it can feel like we are drowning to maintain peace and balance in our lives.  Trying to hold your head about water juggling heavy workloads, managing relationships, family responsibilities, finding the time to sleep, take time for yourself or even breathe.  We live in a demanding society and sometimes that can take an emotional, mental and physical hold on us.  Being unbalanced in this state can make us to be irritable, depressed, anxious, form bad habits, little to no patience, struggling in our relationships, fatigue and unmotivated.  In this group community you will have the opportunity to be surrounded by individuals experiencing similar experiences. You will be able to vent and express yourself in a safe environment without judgement.  You will have support throughout the session, process your emotions, reduce the feeling of isolation. You will be able to discuss healthy ways to cope with current life stressors.  Assists in change of self-defeating behaviors/habits.  You will have guidance in finding your purpose, explore your strengths and decrease initial symptoms.

If you are someone who struggles with the following below this group is for you:

  • Co-parenting

  • Burnout

  • Setting boundaries

  • Family clashing/excessive arguing

  • Lack of motivation

  • Finding your strength

  • Scheduling balance

  • Creating a routine

  • Poor time management

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Relationship breakups

Stress & Anxiety

Do you feel anxious often? Are you constantly worrying about things? Are you overwhelmed with work, relationships, family life and other daily stressors? Do you find yourself replaying different scenarios in your mind before it happens? Do you have more acne than normal, menstrual cycle irregular? Is your sex drive down? Life can be stressful.  You may feel stressed about performances at school, traumatic events (such as a pandemic, natural disaster, act of violence), or a life change.  Everyone feels stress from time to time.  Stress may be a one-time or short-term occurrence, or can happen repeatedly over a long period of time.  Stress and anxiety can interfere with your daily life, it could affect your health. In this group community you will have the opportunity to be surrounded by individuals experiencing similar experiences. You will be able to vent and express yourself in a safe environment without judgement. You will learn what causes or triggers your stress and what coping techniques work for you. 

If you are someone who struggles with the following below this group is for you:

  • Uncontrollable or excessive thinking

  • Nervousness

  • Feelings of panic or fear

  • Hyperventilation or shortness of breath

  • Feeling restless, weak, or lethargic

  • Difficulty sleeping such as insomnia or staying asleep

  • Difficulty concentrating and easily losing your train of thought

  • Body stiffness or tightness

  • Chest pain or a feeling like your heart is racing

  • Headaches, dizziness or shaking, feeling sick

  • Muscle tension or jaw clenching

  • Stomach or digestive problems

Support Group

In this journey of life, we are challenged mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally.  Sometimes the fire within us is dimed by daily stress, fear, burnout, and doubt.  We can feel that we are moving through life unmotivated.  It's never too late to start over and rediscover who you are.  Life changes us as we shift through different experiences.  If you don't know what support you need this is for you. In this space you have the opportunity to share your experiences and feelings, and be able to gain new insight to coping strategies.  We listen, support and help guide you in a different direction.  It's okay to ask for help.  It's okay to not know what help you need.  We are here for you.  

If you are looking for support in these areas, this group is for you:

  • Daily challenges 

  • Communication issues 

  • Stress & Burnout

  • Romantic relationships  

  • Managing emotions 

  • Improve confidence 

  • Caregivers

  • New life transitions